Moving to Caledon, Ontario…
This could be one of the best decisions you’ll ever make, as far as providing a great place to live for you and your family. Caledon, Ontario offers some things that one just can’t buy in other cities or towns….Safety!
Ranked as One of the Safest Areas…
Reader’s Digest, Macleans, and other publications have ranked Caledon as one of the safest locales to live in, at one time or another. This reason alone, makes Caledon such a desirable location. If you’re planning to raise a family, start a business, invest in real estate, or just plant some roots, consider a move to Caledon! Also, incredible scenic views, and open spaces, makes this a very sought after area in the GTA.
Niagara Escarpment & Oak Ridges Moraine…
The beauty of the Caledon topography comes from two dominant landforms. The Oak Ridges Moraine (the moraine covers an area of approximately 1,900 square kilometres (730 sq mi), and extends from Caledon to Rice Lake, close to Peterborough), and the Niagara Escarpment. The Niagara Escarpment is 1833 square kilometres (707 sq mi), and can be described as a long geological formation, known as an escarpment, or cuesta. The escarpment runsĀ East/West, for the most part, and from New York State, through Ontario (Caledon), Michigan, Wisconsin and Illinois.
Schools in Caledon…
Caledon is located in the Region of Peel. Peel Region is a huge municipality which encompasses three major areas. Mississauga, Brampton and Caledon, Ontario. There are two school boards that take care of Caledon’s educational needs. They are the Peel District School Board, and the Dufferin-Peel Catholic District School Board. According to testing done by the Fraser Institute (a conservative think-tank), Caledon’s schools rank in the top third of Ontario’s schools. The top ranked school in Caledon was Mayfield Secondary, out of 749 ranked schools.
Shopping & Groceries…
When you live in Caledon, Ontario you have you have to accept that you’re going to be driving more than if you’re living in Orangeville or Brampton. The trade-off for having a large lot with beautiful scenery and privacy is, that in order to do shopping, or get groceries you’re going to have to get in the car and do a bit of driving. Probably to one of the smaller grocery stores in Caledon (like the Foodland in Caledon East), or the bottom end of Orangeville. Another alternative is to drive to the North End of Brampton, depending on where you live in Caledon.
I would guess that every so often you’ll need to drive into a larger Centre, like Brampton and maybe maybe hit the Costco, to do a big shopping. Then you’ll get the heck out of Brampton, and go back to your beautiful home. That’ll serve for two purposes. The obvious one is that you’ve done your big shopping, and you’re stocked up. The second one, is that it’ll be a reminder that you made the right decision in moving to Caledon, to the tranquillity of your surroundings and your home. The trade-off is well worth it!